פרופ' נורית בירד-דוד


מחקרים פעילים

Strangers at Home: Intercultural Encounters in the Global “Sharing Economy,” The Airbnb case

חוקרת ראשית: פרופ' נורית בירד-דוד

מימון: הקרן הלאומית למדע (ISRAEL SCIENCE FOUNDATION), שנים 2017-2020

מחקרים קודמים

Ethnographic Exploration of Home-Production in Middle-Class Israeli Consumer Culture. 2009-2011, Funded by the Israeli Science Foundation.

Anthropological Study of Household Shelters (Mamads) in Neoliberal Israeli Consumer Society. 2012-2015, Funded by the Israeli Science Foundation.

פרסומים אחרונים

Bird-David, Nurit. (2017a). Us, Relatives: Scaling and Plural Life in a Forager World. Berkeley: California University Press.

Bird-David, Nurit. (2017b). Before nation: Scale-blind Anthropology and foragers’ worlds of Relatives. Current Anthropology, 58(2), 209-226. [With comments by Barbara Bodenhorn, Istvan Praet, Akira Takada and Thomas Widlock and Bird-David’s reply to the comments]

Bird-David, Nurit. (2017c). Size matters! The scalability of hunter-gatherer animism. Quaternary International (digital version, hard paper forthcoming).

Bird-David, Nurit & Shapiro, Matan. (under review). Domesticating Spaces of Security in Israel. InSecuring Spaces: Security as an Ethnographic Object. In Low, Setha & Maguire Mark (Eds.), Under review by Duke University Press.

Shapiro, Matan & Bird-David, Nurit. (2016). Routinergency: Citizenship and domestic securitization in contemporary Israel. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space

Lavi, Noa & Bird-David, Nurit. (2014). At home under development: A housing project for the hunter-gatherers Nayaka of the Nilgiris. The Eastern Anthropologist, 67(3-4), 407-433.